MBA Career Services

Your Career Journey Starts Here

Our MBA Career Management team is dedicated to connecting students with a wide range of employers from the Fortune 500 to start-ups. Wharton MBAs are in high demand because they create immediate and sustainable value for corporate, nonprofit, and government organizations around the world. Wharton’s MBA Career Management team helped 650+ companies make offers to Wharton students. MBA Career Management helps students leverage and build upon previous professional accomplishments and provide personalized support on the journey to achieve internship and full-time success.

Download the 2024
MBA Career Report

Full Time Employment Highlights

Class of 2024

Seeking Students Reported Job Offers
Seeking Students Reported Job Acceptances
Median Annual Salary

Internship Highlights

Class of 2025

Seeking Students Reported Job Offers
Seeking Students Reported Job Acceptances
Median Monthly Salary

Career Resources

Career Advising

Students work closely with career advisors who specialize in over 30 industry pathways. Career advisors coach our students through the job search process, including creating resumes and cover letters, building your job search strategy, networking and interview prep, and negotiations.

Programs and Workshops

Students have access to top-rated speakers and experts on career education, and the opportunity to expand their career knowledge through hands-on exercises.

Recruiting Tools

Wharton’s analytics-driven learning and recruitment platforms offer an unparalleled suite of on-demand career content, a robust library of interactive data tools, sector-specific “action plans”, job postings, and more.

Employer Connections

Wharton’s team of Relationship Managers works with employers to host networking events, post jobs, and schedule interviews. Students can interface with employers both on and off campus, through industry clubs and conferences, career treks, and alumni connections.

Second-Year Career Fellows

In addition to career advisors, students may meet with professionally trained second-year Career Fellows for a first-year resume review, mock interview or networking meeting in their industry of choice.

Lifelong Career Support as Alumni

Wharton’s Lifelong Learning programs and Wharton Global Forums provide a rich array of career education resources and networking opportunities for all Wharton alumni throughout their professional lives.