Jane X Zhang

A headshot of a smiling person with short dark hair, wearing a light-colored, striped suit jacket against a neutral background. Jane X Zhang HOMETOWN Xi'an, China PREVIOUS EDUCATION Zhejiang University, China New York University PREVIOUS CAREER Media & Entertainment WHARTON MAJOR Finance, Real Estate CAREER PLANS Investment Banking DUAL DEGREE PROGRAM Lauder MBA/MA CLUBS/ACTIVITIES Finance Club (communication chair), Real Estate Club, Media & Entertainment Club, Greater China Club, Southeast AsiaRead More

Walta Nemariam

A headshot of a smiling person with long hair pulled back, wearing a white top. The background is plain and light-colored. Walta Nemariam HOMETOWN Houston, TX PREVIOUS EDUCATION Baylor University PREVIOUS CAREER Media & Entertainment WHARTON MAJOR Finance, Entrepreneurship & Innovation CAREER PLANS TBD CLUBS/ACTIVITIES Wharton Hockey League (Commissioner), Food Club (VP of Events), Tech Club (VP of Careers), Outdoors Club, Sports Business Club, Ski & Snowboard Club, African American MBARead More

Andrew Kim

Headshot of a person with medium-length dark hair, smiling, wearing a white shirt and dark blazer against a plain background. Andrew Kim HOMETOWN Seattle, WA PREVIOUS EDUCATION Amherst College PREVIOUS CAREER Technology WHARTON MAJOR Strategic Management CAREER PLANS TBD DUAL DEGREE PROGRAM Lauder MBA/MA CLUBS/ACTIVITIES Cinema Club (Co-President), Korea Club (VP of External Affairs) TA for MGMT 3010, Music Club, Wharton ESG Integration Project Consultant, Storytellers SUMMER INTERNSHIP EY-Parthenon (SummerRead More