Updates to the 2017-2018 Application


As we get closer to the release of our 2017-2018 application, I’m excited to announce a new update to our application. We have made significant changes to our Letter of Recommendation in an effort to get a deeper understanding of a candidate’s personal characteristics and their impact on others throughout their career.

We surveyed over 1,200 Letter of Recommendation writers about their experience with the process.  Utilizing their valuable feedback, in conjunction with conversations with writers at a variety of companies and Wharton stakeholders, we have revised and improved how recommenders provide information on who a candidate is both personally and within an organization.

The new Letter of Recommendation component of our application will be broken into two sections:

  • A selection of positive personality characteristics. Recommenders will be asked to choose three characteristics from a list of ten that best describe the candidate they are recommending.
  • Two free-form questions:
    • Question 1: Please provide example(s) that illustrate why you believe this candidate will find success in the Wharton MBA classroom. (Word count: 300)
    • Question 2: Please provide example(s) that illustrate why you believe this candidate will find success throughout their career. (Word count: 300)

The application will open in early July, and we look forward to learning more about you when you submit. If you have questions, please come see us in person at one of our events this summer, or reach out to our office directly at mba-admiss@wharton.upenn.edu or by phone at 215-898-6183.

Best regards,

Maryellen Reilly
Deputy Vice Dean of MBA Admissions, Financial Aid, & Career Management