Interview Process

Team Based Discussions

Interviews for the MBA program are offered by invitation only. If you have been invited to interview, then you will participate in the Wharton MBA Team Based Discussion (TBD).

Purpose of the Team Based Discussion

The Team Based Discussion (TBD)  is meant to model the highly collaborative nature of the Wharton MBA environment in order to identify characteristics (communication style, level of engagement, leadership skills, decision-making process, etc.) that we believe contribute to the success of a Wharton student. This is an opportunity for you to express who you are as an individual and as a member of a functioning team.

The TBD is one element of the admissions process that, when pieced together with your written application, helps to paint a clearer picture of who you are and how you would fit into the class. Our hope is that through a team-based discussion, you will not only be able to present how you approach and think about certain challenges and opportunities, but that you will also have a chance to experience, firsthand, the team work and learning dynamic that is central to our program.


The TBD is a 35-minute virtual group exercise that provides an opportunity for you to interact with 5-6 fellow MBA applicants in a lively team setting. Your discussion will have a prompt and a purpose and, as a team, you will work together to achieve a tangible outcome. TBD groups are assigned randomly. Following the TBD, you will participate in a 10-minute one-on-one interview with a member of the admissions team to reflect on their TBD performance.

How to Prepare

The MBA Admissions team will provide you with the necessary details for the TBD well in advance of your scheduled interview time. From there, you should focus on your past personal and professional experiences; think about what skills and techniques would resonate in this type of team setting.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Personal skills and strengths. Consider various methods that you have used in the past to help move your team(s) forward. These ideas may help your team reach the best possible outcome.
  • Adaptability is key. Think back on past experiences where you have had to successfully acclimate in various group dynamics. What made you successful in your approach?
  • Be yourself. There is no specific role that is expected of you. Keep in mind the person that you are and the strengths that you bring to the table.
  • Relax. Being invited to interview means that we see you as a potential fit for our program. Be proud of all that you have accomplished at this point – and try to enjoy this part of the process.

Interviews for Interdisciplinary Applicants

MBA/MA Lauder Program

If you are invited to interview, you will complete two interviews: one with the Lauder program and one with the MBA program. The Lauder interview will focus on your international interests and experience, personal qualities, general fit for Lauder, and ability to start and manage the two programs beginning in early May.

Carey JD/MBA Program

If you are invited to interview, you will complete two interviews: one with the JD/MBA program and one with the full-time MBA program. The JD/MBA interview will focus on your goals around working at the intersection of law and business and your fit for the program.

Health Care Management Program

If you are invited to interview, you will complete two interviews: one with the Health Care Management (HCM) program and one with the MBA program. The HCM interview will focus on your interest in, and experience with, health care, as well as your personal qualities and general fit for HCM.