Wharton Stories: Driving Insights

Executive Director of Wharton Graduate Admissions, Blair Mannix, debunks 10 of the most common misconceptions about the application and the full-time MBA Program.

10 Myths About Wharton’s MBA Program — Debunked

Jeff Raider, WG’10, and other leaders in retail shared their insights into keeping ahead of industry trends at the 2019 Wharton Graduate Retail Conference.

How the Co-Founder of Harry’s and Warby Parker Navigates Constant Disruption in the Retail Industry

Wharton’s Associate Professor of Management Matthew Bidwell reviews the pros and cons of moving between jobs internally and externally.

What Prof. Matthew Bidwell’s Research Reveals about Career Mobility

The Wharton Analytics Accelerator Summit offers students across the University a chance to team up with others to build models for real companies to solve business problems.

Wharton Analytics Accelerator Summit Gives Students an Opportunity to Apply Classroom Knowledge to Real Business Problems

Katherine Klein (Wharton Social Impact Vice Dean), Shoshana Schwartz (Wharton doctoral student), and Sandi M. Hunt (Wharton Social Impact Senior Director) tackle the deceptively simple question, “What makes companies good employers for women?”, in a way that has not been done before.

New Wharton Research Defines What Makes Companies Good Employers for Women

Wall Street veteran and Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat, WG’87, shares four lessons from the global financial crisis that she says are “relevant today for all industries.”

The 4 Lessons Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat Learned from the Financial Crisis

The award-winning WRDS platform continues to expand its offerings, deepening researcher engagement and expanding resources for students and instructors around the world.

Wharton Research Data Services Makes Big Data Digestible

Since the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative was founded 10 years ago, analytics have moved out of the back office and into headlines and C-suites. Wharton Professors Eric Bradlow, Pete Fader, and Raghu Iyengar reflect on the changes.

Top 5 Developments in Analytics From 10 Years of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative

As this year’s Wharton Startup Challenge gears up, Joseph Quan, WG’17, who with classmate Nikhil Srivastava co-founded last year’s Grand Prize winner Twine, shares a few tips after returning to Wharton for the People Analytics Conference.

One Year Later: Twine, Winner of the First Wharton Startup Challenge, Offers Advice to MBA Entrepreneurs

The Wharton Neuroscience Initiative explores the ethical, legal, and societal implications for neuroscience and business at its second annual WiN summit.

Configuring a ‘Road Map’ for Neuroscience and Business