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Wharton Stories:
Wall Street veteran and Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat, WG’87, shares four lessons from the global financial crisis that she says are “relevant today for all industries.”
The 4 Lessons Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat Learned from the Financial Crisis
Alumna social entrepreneur Gayle Jennings-O’Byrne is changing the market for women entrepreneurs of color.
How This Alumna Is Driving $1 Billion to Women of Color Tech Entrepreneurs
Some of the brightest minds in business — and business school — shared these words of wisdom, and they’re not just for new grads.
The Most Inspiring Quotes from Wharton’s 2018 Graduation Speeches
A panelist at the 2018 Penn Health Policy Retreat, Health Care Management Prof. Ingrid Nembhard discussed her new research on how a new role for nurses may be one way to address care coordination failures in health care.
Prof. Ingrid Nembhard Discusses Team Dynamics in Health Care Coordination
For women in the U.S. who want a better skincare routine, aavrani is a luxury skincare company inspired by India’s ancient beauty rituals.
aavrani: Luxury Skincare Inspired by Indian Beauty Rituals
Steignet is an arbitrage platform for the residential real estate market. Using machine learning and proprietary decision engines, Steignet will scan millions of housing units to identify real-time mispricings to generate superior alpha for our real estate investors.
Steignet: A Tactical “Bloomberg Terminal” for the Residential Real Estate Market
As the Chinese New Year approaches, we take a look back at highlights from some of the most memorable events and lectures that left an impact on the Penn Wharton China community in 2017.
2017: The Penn Wharton China Center Year in Review
The Entrepreneurship Expo brings together all of the entrepreneurship resources at the University of Pennsylvania and in the Philadelphia ecosystem—in one room.
Why These Students Went to the Entrepreneurship Expo
When George Dutile, WG’17, wanted to transition from the military, he and his wife worried about taking a risk on an MBA. They went “all in” at Wharton, and the whole family benefited.
Why This Vet Brought His Family to Wharton and Why It Was the Best Thing He Ever Did
In this innovation tournament, Wharton Leadership challenges newly formed MBA learning teams to generate impactful business ideas in just two days.
How The Big Idea Bridges MBA Pre-term and Academics
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